What Is UV20 Rated Resin?
Our high-quality pool furniture is made of UV20 rated resin, which means it’s proven capable of enduring up to 20,000 hours of direct sunlight. Your backyard furniture receives direct sunlight for only a short part of the day, during the hours when the sun is at its peak in the sky. With about 4 hours of direct sunlight a day, it could take 5,000 days to receive 20,000 hours of direct sunlight. That’s over 13 years, the same length of time that it takes for your child to go from kindergarten to high school graduation.
That’s a long time to spend out under the sun.
So many memories are made while soaking up the sun’s rays, from simple moments spent laying out on a chaise to big occasions like a Fourth of July cookout. You don’t want to miss a single one of these sun-filled moments. With UV20 rated resin furniture, you can fully enjoy each one year after year without seeing any fading, cracking, or loss of quality in your furniture.
In order to ensure the best backyard experience, standards for the materials used in outdoor furniture simply have to be higher. While indoor furniture can take a fair amount of damage from kids and pets, parties, and just general daily use, outdoor furniture must be able to withstand far more. Sun is just one of these elements.
The Benefits of UV20 Rated Resin for Your Outdoor Furniture
Sun reaches us in our backyard in the form of Ultraviolet (UV) rays. Bringing along radiation, these UV rays can cause quite a bit of damage. That’s why we put on sunscreen before long days under the sun. It’s also why we want your furniture to be UV resistant.
Furniture that is not UV resistant is more likely to be damaged by the sun if left exposed to its light. You may notice that indoor furniture left outside or near a window turns white or otherwise loses vibrancy and may even crack or break. UV20 rated resin furniture, however, is made to last in the sun.

Lasting Colors for More Vibrant Outdoor Memories
Fading is one of the most common effects of sun exposure you may see on objects that are not made to last under those rays, and it can really ruin the moments spent outdoors. When you step out into your backyard, you want to see a beautiful scene. The reds should glow and the blues should refresh. When your pool furniture is made with UV20 rated resin, those colors will stay vibrant through 20,000 hours of direct sunlight, so you can stay stylish every second you’re outside.
Stays Strong Under the Sun
If left in sunlight for too long, lower quality furniture can begin to deteriorate. Known as photodegradation, this is when the plastic becomes brittle and you start to notice cracks. A broken plastic chair doesn’t make for such a nice spot to sit when you want to feel the sun on your skin. If your seat is made of UV20 rated resin, however, you’ll be able to enjoy its best shape for many years. UV resistant outdoor furniture remains sturdy when exposed to the sunlight.
Enjoy Those Many Hours of Fun Under the Sun
UV20 rated resin makes for some of the best outdoor furniture for sun exposure. Through countless sunny days, you can trust in your UV20 rated resin furniture to hold up against all the UV rays that come its way. Sit out and enjoy your time under the sun. After 20,000 hours, you won’t see any breakage or fading. Instead, your furniture will remain as stylish as ever.
If you want your furniture to hold up to the sun, bring UV20 rated resin furniture out into your backyard. At Ledge, we only offer the highest quality products for your outdoor experience. Feel free to shop our selection of sun shelf furniture and outdoor living furniture to create your outdoor scene for sunny days.