Four Different Backyard Dates You Can Easily Set Up in Your Own Outdoor Space
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Four Different Backyard Dates You Can Easily Set Up in Your Own Outdoor Space

You don’t want to put off time together as a couple. The relationship is too important. With all the rest of life’s commitments though, planning date nights can get complicated. Backyard dates can make things a little easier.


Enjoy a romantic moment without the stress of reservations or transportation by planning a backyard date.


Whether you’re planning something especially romantic for Valentine’s Day or another special occasion, or if you just want to have some fun with your significant other outdoors, these four backyard date ideas should help get you started.


1. Bring the Party to the Backyard


Woman laying on her stomach on daybed next to pool, with man sitting on in-pool barstool


If you two typically spend your evenings out on the town, backyard dates may not seem like your type of thing. But there’s no reason why you can’t bring the bar into your backyard.


It could actually be fun to try out your mixology skills together. Pick out a couple of favorite cocktail recipes, gather the ingredients, and then get behind the backyard bar together. Sitting on a couple of Signature Barstools as you sip on those drinks will make for a nice start to your romantic evening.


Don’t worry – there can definitely still be some dancing on this date. Clear some space on the patio for your own dance floor and turn up the tunes on your outdoor sound system. Remember, it’s just the two of you, so there’s no need to be embarrassed about dancing like no one’s watching.


2. Go the Traditional Route with Dinner and a Movie


Lobster cooking on grill


For a really romantic backyard date night, you can’t go wrong with the classic dinner and a movie. Bring it into your outdoor space by planning the perfect menu, decorating the outdoor dining table for a romantic atmosphere, and making movie night happen under the stars.


Table for two? Set the scene with a romantic tablescape for your outdoor dining table. Add a tablecloth, light some candles, and use the nice china and silverware. Yes, you may be outside, but this is a special occasion deserving of the finer things.


Similarly, hot dogs and hamburgers may be good for any backyard bbq, but not for your romantic evening. Splurge on a delicious dish that you won’t soon forget. For example, lobster cooks great on the grill. Serve it with a chilled bottle of your favorite wine and toast to your relationship.


Couple lounging on cushions and drinking wine on backyard patio, with wine and snacks on a side table


If you’ve still got some spare time after indulging in this meal, feel free to stay put on the patio. With an outdoor TV or a movie screen and projector, you can watch a movie right out here. Make yourselves comfortable on a Laze Pillow until the credits roll on this romantic backyard date.


3. Make Date Night All Fun and Games


Two couples playing cornhole against one another


Sometimes, we could do without the candles and formalwear. If you and your significant other just want to have fun, turn your backyard date into a game day.


Challenge each other with one-on-one competitions or double the fun by inviting over another couple. Pick a favorite lawn game to play together as a group. Then, switch gears with a trivia showdown.


In the end, everyone wins with this backyard date idea.


4. Enjoy the Moment, Without the Pressure of a Perfect Backyard Date


Couple having coffee while sitting on Ledge Loungers in-pool chaises, with a side table between them


You may not always have the time to plan an extravagant backyard date, but even the simplest of moments can help your bond grow deeper. Whenever you can catch a quick moment, step into the backyard for some quality connection.


Take your morning coffee out to the patio and enjoy those few morning minutes. Step out right before starting on dinner to watch the sunset. Or head out in the evening after putting the kids to sleep to sit by the fireplace and catch up on each other’s day.


Spending the time together is all it really takes.


Make More of These Moments in Your Own Outdoor Space


The backyard is full of possibilities. Besides different date activities, there are so many family moments, holiday celebrations, and more to enjoy. Own your outdoor space and fill it with the memories that matter to you.


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