Woman relaxing on Ledge Signature Chaises on the pool ledge
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Which Signature Chaise is Best for my Ledge?

Tanning ledges, baja steps, and sun shelves, oh my! No matter what you call it, all ledges are created to make your pool look stunning. After all, there’s no better way to decorate your ledge than by adding furniture that is equally comfortable and stylish. Before choosing the best in-pool furniture to enhance your outdoor look, take a look at the differences in our eye-catching Signature Chaises. While both options look very similar, there are a couple of differences that will determine the best fit for your pool.


Where to Use the Signature Chaise vs. the Signature Chaise Deep


While the Signature Chaise Deep can be used both on the ledge and on deck, we recommend the Signature Chaise only be used on the ledge.


Woman relaxing on the Signature Chaise

Lounge on the pool ledge on a Signature Chaise.


Woman relaxing on Signature Chaise Deep on the ledge

Sit in style on the pool ledge on a Signature Chaise Deep.


Women relaxing on Signature Chaise Deeps on the deck next to the pool

Enjoy relaxing on the deck on a Signature Chaise Deep.


Water Depth Differences in Signature Chaises


The most significant difference between the Signature Chaise and Signature Chaise Deep is the recommended ledge depth. Taking water depth into consideration is pertinent to achieving the look and feel you desire for your pool. If placed outside of the recommended range, you will face issues like floating or drifting making it nearly impossible for the product to remain in place.


In addition to floating and drifting, you may also find that the seat of your chaise is further outside of the water or covered with more water than you imagined. While in some cases this can be a personal preference, if placed outside of the recommended range, your chaise may have too much or no water cover at all.


Signature Chaise on the ledge

Use your Signature Chaise on a ledge of 0"-9" water depth.


Signature Chaise Deeps on the ledge

Use your Signature Chaise Deep on a ledge of 10"-15" water depth.


Be sure to consider your water coverage preference when choosing the chaise that works best for you. But remember, we never recommend placing a chaise in deeper water than it is designed for. 


Signature Chaises in water that is too high

Chaise is floating and excess water is covering the seat.


Signature Chaise Deep on a ledge that is too shallow

Water does not reach the seat of the chaise.


Risers Can Help Your Signature Chaise Fit on the Ledge


Is your ledge a little deeper than the recommended depth for the chaise you have your eye on? Want to reduce the amount of seat pooling for a drier lounging experience? No worries! With the ability to accommodate up to 20” water depths, adding a Signature Riser to your chaise of choice is just the boost you need to make your favorite seat work for your ledge.


Signature Chaise with shade next to ice bin side table

Riser added to lift Signature Chaise to avoid floating in 11" water depth.


 Signature Chaises on the ledge, with and without risers

Riser added to Signature Chaise to reduce water coverage in seat in 7" water depth.


Signature Chaise Vs. Autograph Chaise


Woman relaxing on an Autograph Chaise


The Signature Chaise is the original in-pool chaise, but it is no longer your only option for a stylish and comfortable lounging experience. The Autograph Chaise is taking your experience on the pool ledge to the next level. There are a few differences between these two chaises, but ultimately, the choice is up to you.



Create Your Oasis

You now know the differences between our signature chaises. It’s time to create your outdoor oasis! For best results, use a tape measure to confirm your ledge depth.


We want you to be able to fully enjoy your #LEDGELIFE, no matter which chaise you choose. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.


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