Friends having fun playing cornhole outside
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How to Play Cornhole: A Step by Step Guide to This Fun Backyard Game

Are you interested in improving your cornhole skills? It’s time to grasp the official cornhole rules fully. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned player, clearly understanding the rules and strategies for this popular backyard game is essential for establishing the limits to ensure your team stays on the path to victory.


This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to become a skilled cornhole player, from the official cornhole scoring rules to earning points.


Origins of the Game of Cornhole


First, let’s go back to 18th-century Kentucky, where cornhole had its start. Back in the day, when farmers had some chill time, they’d whip out a game known as cornhole. They’d take dried corn kernels and aim them at holes on wooden boards. It was a way to have fun while taking a break from all their hard work.


Why is it Called Cornhole?


This question has sparked curiosity among numerous cornhole enthusiasts. Its name comes from the original game, where players used corn kernels as their projectiles. The goal was to get the corn into the hole, hence the name “cornhole.” It might seem like an obvious name, but that’s the story of how the term “cornhole” came to be.


Cornhole set and sectional outside


Your Guide on How to Play Cornhole


Let’s get into the details of cornhole, a game that’s perfect for spring break or any other outdoor occasion. We’ll review the basics, making it easy for you to get the hang of the game in no time.


Cornhole Game Setup and Required Equipment


Yard with a couple of cornhole boards set up for a game


First things first, you have to get the game ready to roll. You’ll need a couple of standard-sized cornhole boards. They should be about two feet wide and four feet long and durable enough for intense gameplay. Our boards are made with tough, weather-resistant resin, so you can trust them to last for many years of game day memories.


You’ll also need eight bean bags, four per team. These bags would traditionally be filled with dried corn, which makes them vulnerable to moisture, lousy weather, and pests. Our bags, on the other hand, are filled with resin pellets, which can handle a wide range of weather conditions. So, you don’t have to stress about your bag getting all soggy or attracting unwelcome critters.


How Much Space Do I Need to Play Cornhole?


A regulation size cornhole court is 8 feet wide and 40 feet long and should have a vertical clearance of at least twelve feet high. In your own backyard, however, you really just need enough space to play and have fun. Set up your boards facing each other, with about 27 feet between them. 


Cornhole Game Mechanics


Let’s break down the mechanics of how to play cornhole. Essentially, this is a tossing game where players throw bags into a raised platform with a hole in it. Your aim is to get the bags into the hole or land them on the platform for points. The game can be played one-on-one or in teams, and it’s sure to be a lot of fun either way.


The Basics of Cornhole Standing and Throwing


Friends playing cornhole on the lawn


Step up to the pitcher’s box beside the cornhole board – the pitcher must be within the pitcher’s box or behind the foul line when tossing their bags. Stepping over the front of the board before the bag is thrown results in a foul being called for that toss. Keep one foot in the box and the other outside, maintaining balance.


Hold the bag with your dominant hand and let it swing by your side. The arm motion is like bowling, while the wrist motion is like throwing a frisbee. As it swings forward, release the bag at the right time to aim for the hole. Remember, practice helps you nail down the right feel for the throw. So, get your stance and motion down, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a cornhole ace.


Official Cornhole Scoring Rules


Once you’ve got the basics of how to play cornhole, you’ve got to make sure you know how to score it. If your bag lands on the board, you earn a point. But here’s the cool part: if you manage to work your magic and drop it into the hole, that’s triple – a whole three points! Keep adding up those points as you go round by round – the first one to reach 21 points wins. The team that scored in the previous round throws first in the next game. If no one scored, the team that threw last goes first.


Cancellation Scoring


With cancellation scoring, one player’s points nullify their opponent’s points. This way, only a single player or team can score during each round.


Example One:


If you start the game and land one bag on the board and three in the hole, you’ve had an excellent turn for your team, earning 10 points (3 for each bag in the hole and 1 for the bag on the board). However, the game is still ongoing. 


Your opponent still has a chance to knock your bag off the board, reducing your score to 9 points. They can also score their points, canceling out yours. If they play perfectly, they could get 12 points by sinking all four bean bags in the hole and knocking your bag off the board. Subtracting 9 from 12 gives them 3 points. So, at the end of that round, your opponent’s team would gain 3 points, and it would be your turn to wait for the next game to try to do better.


Example Two:


  • • TEAM A scores two cornholes and one woody, resulting in 7 points.
  •  TEAM B scores three cornholes and two woodies, earning 11 points.
  •  In this scenario, you calculate the difference between the higher and lower scores. At the end of the frame, TEAM B has 4 points (11 minus 7), while TEAM A has 0 points.


Woody: This term is used for any cornhole bag thrown and stays on the playing surface of the cornhole board at the end of the frame. Each woody is worth 1 point.


What if You Accidentally Score More Than 21 Points?


A variation of cornhole involves a rule where surpassing 21 points leads your team’s score to drop back to 11 or 13 points, restarting the game. To secure victory, one team must hit the precise score of 21. This official cornhole rules twist adds excitement and extends the game, creating engaging and competitive matchups compared to the standard scoring method.


Remember, while these rules cover the basics, local variations might exist on how to play cornhole. Enjoy and just have fun!


Join in on the Fun With Our Durable Cornhole Boards


Ledge durable cornhole board


Whether it be BBQs, tailgates, or backyard brunch, cornhole gets everyone on their feet and playing together. From friendly matches to full-blown tournaments, cornhole’s the secret sauce that takes any gathering from “meh” to “memorable”.


Bring the family-friendly fun of cornhole to your next outdoor gathering. Our cornhole boards boast our signature top-notch style and resilience, ready to take on any challenge. Add one to your outdoor space and enjoy the entertainment for years to come.


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